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What we do

​We collect service user feedback in a number of ways. We have our general survey which can be accessed here.

We also have comments boxes which you will find in the antenatal clinic, in Ward 32 and in every nursery in the neonatal unit at the Countess of Chester Hospital. Service users can complete our questionnaires as many times as they like during their antenatal, postnatal and neonatal experiences. 

You may also find us out and about in the community collecting feedback at local children's centres, baby groups and events. 


Our work is divided into 8 themes. These themes are:

  • Antenatal care

  • Labour and Birth care

  • Postnatal care

  • Neonatal care

  • Infant Feeding

  • Emotional Wellbeing

  • Bereavement care

  • Pregnancy After Loss care


We look for themes in feedback and work to co-produce initiatives to enhance maternity/ neonatal care. We don't discuss individual cases and we are not part of the complaints process. 

If you have concerns regarding your care, please contact or phone 01244 366066


As well as the Countess of Chester Hospital, we also work closely with local NHS, voluntary sector and community partners including, Silver Birch Hubs, The Milk Bank, Children's Centres, Healthwatch, Clare House, Elsie's Moon, Koala NW, Chester Pride and the University of Chester. 

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